The purposes for which you may use iRingg.
Technical requirements overview.
Instruction on how to properly activate iRingg.
Instruction on how to properly reset the activation for iRingg in order to use the app on a different machine.
Explanation on what to do if an activation error arises.
Explanation on what to do if an activation error arises.
Instruction on how to properly uninstall iRingg on your Windows machine.
Instruction on how to properly uninstall iRingg on your Mac machine.
Instruction on how to properly reinstall iRingg on your Windows machine.
Instruction on how to properly reinstall iRingg on your Windows machine.
Instruction on how to properly reinstall iRingg on your Mac machine.
Instruction on how to properly reinstall iRingg on your Mac machine.
Instruction on how to delete ringtones in iTunes.
Instruction on how to delete the ringtones inside the app.
What to do if the ringtones do not appear on iPhone.