What PicFindr is capable of...
PicFindr finds the most relevant images from the most trusted resources — Pexels, Pixabay...
PicFindr requires a computer with macOS 11 (Big Sur) and higher.
To download images using PicFindr you need to...
If you want to choose the quality of the picture you need to download, you need to...
If you want to set an image as a desktop wallpaper, you need to...
If you want to add an image to Favorites in PicFindr, you need to...
If you want to add an image to a Collection, you need to...
If you want to to activate PicFindr with Universal License, you need to...
If you want to reset the activation for PicFindr within the Universal License, you need to...
If you want to uninstall PicFindr on a Mac computer, do the following...
If you want to reinstall PicFindr, you need to...
Yes, it is :)
No, you can not...
At that moment, no...
If you want to set an image as a desktop wallpaper, you need to...
If you want to download an image from PicFindr, follow the steps below...
To choose the image quality before downloading — follow the steps below...